
Fagfellevurderte artikler

  1. Winje, E., Lake, I., Dankel, S. (2024).  Case Report: ketogentic diet alleviated anxiety and depression accociated with insulin-dependent diabetes management. Frontiers in Nutrition, 11. Se artikkelen her
    Tilbakemelding fra reviewer: This case report presents a compelling and underexplored area in the current literature. This particular patient, like many patients with type I diabetes, experienced depression and anxiety, associated with unpredictable drastic blood glucose drops. The authors effectively highlight the potential of the ketogenic diet, not only in managing glucose levels but also in addressing the patient's diabetes-related distress and fears. The paper provides a clear rationale for the treatment approach, systematically addressing common concerns regarding the ketogenic diet and offering evidence-based explanations to mitigate these fears. Overall, the manuscript is well-structured, and the arguments are coherent and well-supported. I believe the paper is ready for publication in its current form.
  2. Wilhelmsen-Langeland A, Handelsby N, Wisting L, Winje E. (2024) Diabetes type 1 øker risiko for selvmord: Hva kan psykologen gjøre? Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 61 (2):90-99. Se artikkelen her
  3. Winje, E., Torgalsbøen, A.K., Brunborg, C., & Stedal, K. (2017). Comparing effects: A reanalysis of two studies on season of birth. Journal of Eating Disorders, 5, 2. Se artikkelen her
  4. Winje, E., Torgalsbøen, A.K., Brunborg, C., & Lask, B. (2013). Season of birth bias and bulimia nervosa- results from a multi-centre study. European Eating Disorders Review, 21, 170-174. Se artikkelen her
  5. Winje, E., Torgalsbøen, A.K., Brunborg, C., & Lask, B. (2013). Season of birth and anorexia nervosa: results from an international collaboration. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 46, 340-345. Se artikkelen her
  6.  Winje, E., Willoughby, K., & Lask, B. (2008). Season of birth in eating disorders- fact or fiction? International Journal of Eating Disorders, 41, 479-490. Se artikkelen her
  7. Øverås, M., Winje, E., & Lask, B. (2008). Eating disorders in children and adolescents: An update. Annual Review of Eating Disorders. Oxford Radcliffe Publishing, 110-124. Se artikkelen her


Inviterte artikler

  1. Winje, E. (2024). Diabetessjalu?. Diabetes, 1. Diabetesforbundet.  Se artikkelen her
  2. Winje, E. (2022). Aksept, raushet og mot. Diabetes, 5. Diabetesforbundet. Se artikkelen her 
  3. Winje, E. (2021). Herr Burde. Diabetes 4. Diabetesforbundet. Se artikkelen her
  4. Winje, E. (2019). Rus og diabetes. Diabetesfag 2, Diabetesforbundet. Se artikkelen her
  5. Winje, E. (2019).Teknologiens inntog- et tveegget sverd. Diabetesfag 3. Diabetesforbundet. Se artikkelen her
  6. Winje, E,(2012). En natt med Eirin. Diabetes 4. Diabetesforbundet.
  7. Winje, E, (2008). Forskning på personen med diabetes. Diabetesforum 4. Diabetesforbundet, 
  8. Winje, E, (2009). Dagens Dilemma: Når vi vet at mange ikke når dagens behandlingsmål, er det da nyttig at målene blir enda vanskeligere?, Diabetesforum 2.  Diabetesforbundet.


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